For the past couple of months the area from Hibberdene to Port Edward has experienced disruptions in the water supply due to burst water pipes and breakdowns of the pumps at the various reservoirs. Some disruptions have affected certain areas for up to two weeks at a time. At first there was no communication between UGU and the public which resulted in speculation that the water infrastructure was being sabotaged by disgruntled UGU staff. After pressure from the local Ward Councillors the communication improved and the public was given warning by UGU as to which areas would have no water and when.
The problem has now been further exacerbated by the fact that the UGU workers have gone on an unprotected strike and reservoirs have either run dry or are running dry. This past week there has been no communiqué from UGU regarding the strike other for them to say they are not sure how long it will be before the water supply is restored. Unfortunately as it currently stands this could be days or weeks. A local Ward Councillor has reported that a private company delivering water by water tankers has been threatened by striking workers that they will burn their vehicles if they are seen to be delivering water. According to a reliable source the current crisis could continue for some time before it is resolved and no timeline is in place for the restoration of the water supply.
During the periods of no water supply to your unit it is important to note the following:
- Please do not leave taps open. A common problem is to open a tap, see there is no water and then forgot to turn it off. You may not be at home when the water supply is restored and the tap will run which will result in a high water account and possible flooding to the unit.
- Some geysers are not installed with non-return valves and will empty out when there is no water supply. Please ensure that the power to your geyser is turned off to prevent damage to the element and thermostat.UGU can be contacted directly on 039 688 5820 for an update on the affected areas. Further regular updates can also be obtained from E-Howzit at www.ehowzit.co.zaKind Regards,
Glen Smit
Managing Agent
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